Summer Package


Der Sommer steht vor der Tür und wir haben das beste Paket für dich bereit.

Summer HIIT Membership

Dauer – 3 Monate – (Juni-Juli-August)

Workouts – 5x HIIT classes pro Monat

Du erhältst 5 HIIT – Workouts pro Monat, die innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 30 Tagen genutzt werden müssen. Sobald du die 5 Einheiten aufgebraucht hast oder die 30 Tage abgelaufen sind, verlängert sich dein Paket und du erhältst die nächsten 5 Workouts. Nach 3 Monaten endet das Paket automatisch, sodass du dir keine Sorgen mehr machen musst.

Our coaches

Coach Ivo

I've created this workout, it is in my DNA and I will show it in every minute of a class!

Coach Chris

Join my classes, where fitness meets delight, passion, and craziness

Coach Bibi

You think, I hit like a girl?

Coach Paris

Coach Laylah

Coach Fabian

Coach Tom

Don't be mistaken about my good-natured appearance. Trust me: you have to push the envelope!

Coach Tabi

Coach Patrick

We will move as one, and push as a team!

Coach Andi

Yesterday you said tomorrow!

Coach Hanna

If you’re able to train with a straight face, you’re not training hard enough.

Coach Tanja

On good days work out - on bad days work out harder!

Coach Ari

Keep your squats low and your dreams high!

Coach Flora

Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!

Coach Max

Go one more!

Coach Mike

Always stay positive and make the best out of your journey!

Coach Michi

All progress takes place outside the comfort zone!

Coach Rose

Be stronger than your excuses.

Coach Anschi

I motivate and inspire people to reach their peak performance and embrace their joy of sports through music, exercises, and my own passion for sports.

Coach Kathi

You are capable of more than you ever imagined - just break limits.

to get

Stay in the shape zone. Stay in the shape zone. Stay in the shape zone.

Stay in the shape zone. Stay in the shape zone. Stay in the shape zone.



