in the

Original Workout

The first of many sprints – Unser Workout ist ein vom Laufen inspiriertes Hoch Intensives Intervall Training (HIIT). Es kombiniert Intervalle auf dem Laufband und funktionelles Krafttraining, um deinen Körper in Perfektion zu formen. Ein Training für alle, die ein Level erreichen wollen, von dem sie immer nur geträumt haben. Are you ready to run it out?

Flow. Tone. Shape. Spüre die eleganten Bewegungen unseres Lagree-inspirierten Kurses, wo achtsame Bewegung auf die Wissenschaft der Formung eines widerstandsfähigen Körpers trifft. Durchströme Flows, die dein Bewusstsein für Bewegungsmuster vertiefen, während eine harmonische Verbindung von Geist und Körper entsteht.

Ready to sculpt, strengthen, and find balance in every move?

Stay in the shape zone. Stay in the shape zone. Stay in the shape zone.

Stay in the shape zone. Stay in the shape zone. Stay in the shape zone.

Die Coaches

Coach Ivo

I've created this workout, it is in my DNA and I will show it in every minute of a class!

Coach Chris

Join my classes, where fitness meets delight, passion, and craziness

Coach Bibi

You think, I hit like a girl?

Coach Paris

Coach Sonja

Coach Theresa

Coach Vanessa

Coach Cody

Coach Niklas

Coach Danielle

Coach Johanna

Coach Laylah

Coach Judy

Coach Fabian

Coach Tom

Don't be mistaken about my good-natured appearance. Trust me: you have to push the envelope!

Coach Tabi

Coach Patrick

We will move as one, and push as a team!

Coach Andi

Yesterday you said tomorrow!

Coach Hanna

If you’re able to train with a straight face, you’re not training hard enough.

Coach Tanja

On good days work out - on bad days work out harder!

BY iB.

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